Aprile 2024
pp. 360
COLLANA: Quaderni di Comunità – 3/2023
ISBN: 979-12-80164-71-1
Edited by: Stefania Capogna, Ligita Šimanskienė, and Erika Župerkienė
“Reinventing University. The Digital Challenge In Higher Education” is a collection of papers which navigates the multifaceted intersections between technology and higher education, offering a timely exploration of the challenges and opportunities that define the contemporary academic landscape. The digital challenge in higher education is not merely a technological shift; it is a transformative force that is reshaping the very essence of academic practices. As we stand at the confluence of tradition and innovation, this special issue serves as a repository of insights, ideas, and innovations, each carefully curated by the D-ChallengHE Scientific Board. These contributions delve into the complexities of reinventing universities in the digital age, addressing the critical themes that resonate across the academic spectrum.
Stefania Capogna, PhD (in social science), is an Associate Professor at Link Campus University in Italy. She is also the founder and director of the Digital Technologies, Education & Society research centre and the “Quaderni di Comunità” academic journal. Persone, Educazione e Welfare nella società 5.0. In her research, she examines the education system as a unitary macro-sector in which education-training-university-work converges. In recent years, she has focused on the transformations induced by the digital revolution, with two privileged lines of intervention: a) social effects of the digital revolution on people, organisations and community; b) empowerment for people, organisations and communities.
Ligita Šimanskienė, PhD (in field of management), is a professor at Klaipeda University, Faculty of Social Sciences. She has over 24 years of experience in management: teaching, consulting organizations and doing research. She is an organizer of 12 international conferences held at KU SMF and more than 26 conferences in different countries. Member of Faculty Council. Member of joint Doctoral Council in Management.
Erika Župerkienė is a Professor at Klaipeda University in Lithuania, Chairperson of the Faculty Council and of the Quality Committee of studies, scientific Deputy Editor of the journal “Regional Formation and Development Studies”, member of scientific borders of 3 different scientific journals, a member of the Lithuanian Educational Research Asso- ciation (LERA).