February 2014
pp. 200
COLLANA: Istituzioni – 1
ISBN 978-88-97931-20-1
International Authors
Edited by Alessandro Figus
New technologies can provide meaningful learning experiences for all students and the technology is used to enhance learning, therefore it is indispensable for educators to be easy using it to ensure that students get the full advantages of educational technology. Education that capitalize on the relationship between technology and Higher Education reform will help students to develop higher order skills and to purpose efficiently in the world beyond the students audience.
Practical we have a lot of problem to apply, especially problems of the best practices thread to start a new thread on problems, in fact best practices and problems are interrelated and every benefit of ICT has its downside, particularly when we are speaking about Higher Education. There are a whole series of problems such as that every minute a person spends learning how to use computers is a minute that they are not devoting to learning the content of their field or the problem that impossible to access to bad information on the web. The information is available on the Internet, posing as good information.
It takes a relatively mature person to be able to tell the difference and it is evident the role of the educator in relation with the students. For students, this can be a major problem, because their impulse is often to get the task done as rapidly as possible and ICT allows students to get information very quickly.
This book has been published in the frame of Tempus project 530601-TEMPUS-1-2012-1-PL-TEMPUS-SMHES.