pp. 412
COLLANA: Campus Handbook – 75
ISBN: 979-12-80164-32-2
Presentation by Vincenzo Scotti
Introduction by Claudio Roveda
Foreword by Guido Perboli
Incipit by Ubaldo Livolsi
After the Covid-19 pandemic, which broke out in Wuhan in China, and the consequent health and economic emergency, the scenario worsened with the invasion of Ukraine, in the heart of Europe, by the Russian armed forces. As we finish writing this book, a very ugly war has begun, which is causing thousands of deaths and an exodus, estimated at a few million Ukrainians, women and children. Italians, citizens of the EU and other countries, the Young Millennials, for their future, ask themselves questions that will require answers in the short term. How will the society of globalization change? Will there still be the same level of globalization with the new geopolitical relations? Will the ethical and humanistic principles of the old society still be applied? Personally, we ask ourselves: what will be the values, the skills to be strengthened and innovated in the young people of the future ruling class and in the leaders in the third millennium? In the society of globalization in the digital age, material goods have been replaced by intangible ones, represented by services, information, symbols, values, aesthetics, digital apps, and power has progressively passed from politics to economics, to finance at the global. This happened when a new law in the US, enacted on November 12, 1999 by President Bill Clinton, repealed the provisions of the Glass-Steagall Act of 1933 which provided for the separation between traditional banking and investment banking. Since that day the principle of NOMA (Non Overlapping Magisteria) has been overturned, with which, until then, Politics established the objectives and used the Economy and Finance, as tools to achieve them, while Ethics acted as a factor. of balance. I think that in the immediate future, with the huge financial resources of the Next Generation EU Plan, we should invest in the education of Millennials, in schools and universities, through the teaching of the “art of life” and the “critical sense of thought”. In addition to specialized technical (Hard Skills), digital and communication skills, we also teach soft skills, Leadership and Ethics. That is the purpose of this book.
Antonino Giannone, Engineer with a Master in Management and specialization abroad (USA – England – France). He has held positions of Manager, General Manager and Director of companies with state, private and public shareholdings. In the 2000s, Management Consultant, also for Projects funded by the EU Commission and Professor a.c. of the Turin Polytechnic in “Business Strategies and Professional Ethics” in the Master’s Degree Course in Industrial Production Engineering and Technological Innovation. He is currently Professor of Leadership and Ethics at Link Campus University in the Master’s Degree Course in Business Management and Fellow at the ICT Center for City Logistics and Enterprises of the Turin Polytechnic. Together with 24 other international Experts in Leadership and Management from NATO countries, he collaborated in the EUMC (European Union Military Committee) Project, coordinated by ISMA (Institute of Aeronautical Military Sciences) to define the guidelines for Leadership and Management Training for Generals and Senior Defense Executives of NATO countries. He is part of the teaching team of the specific Master designed by the Turin Polytechnic. He is a Lecturer in the Postgraduate Master in Globalization, Governance and International Understanding of Link Campus University.
Publications: Leadership and Ethics in the society of globalization (Eurilink University Press II^ Ed. Nov. 2021- I ^ Ed. June 2020); Professional Ethics and Industrial Relations (Ed. CLUT, Turin); Business strategies (Ed. CLUT, Turin); Founding values and ethics for the society of globalization (Ed. Mazzanti, Venice); Elements of corporate policy and technological innovation (Ed. Cacucci, Bari); Management in hospitals and local health companies (Ed. Cacucci, Bari); Production planning and scheduling (Ed. Pirola, Milan).
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